Promoting interreligious understanding is an essential step in today’s globalized world characterized by cultural differences. The eight-day youth meeting “The spirits of religions” on the picturesque Klopeiner See in Klagenfurt offered an ideal platform for this important goal. It was organized by IniciativAngola as part of the Erasmus+ program.
Young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary and Austria attended various workshops and presentations every day and were participants in mixed groups in order to learn and discuss all religions, traditions and customs of the countries they come from.
In addition to the workshops, the young people had an extremely fun time through excursions, a talent show presenting their best skills, and enjoyed the Rock4Angola concert.
The meeting “The spirits of religions” was much more than just passing on knowledge. He created friendships across cultural and religious boundaries and promoted an atmosphere of openness and peace. Participants shared their world perspectives and helped shape a world where diversity is seen as an advantage, not an obstacle.