Volunteer service
Volunteering is one of the ways of social inclusion and integration. Volunteerism creates a space in which people, regardless of nationality, religion, socioeconomic status and age, can contribute to the creation of positive changes in society.
Volunteer work promotes social activism, which is the main driver of every advanced society. Recognizing the needs of the community and the readiness to actively help, helps society to solve the accumulated problems and needs faster and better. It helps young people and the unemployed develop or further improve certain skills and prepare them for future employment.
For a number of years we have been participating in ERASMUS + and Weltwearts programs that enabled young people from BiH to volunteer for up to a year in countries across Europe, but also to host foreign volunteers for a period of 2 to 12 months in our branch office where they have done their volunteer work service.
The European Voluntary Service (popularly called EVS) is part of the European Commission’s program called Erasmus + and allows young people to spend up to a year in one of the European countries with volunteer work. Since 2019, the EVS program has been renamed the European Solidarity Corsps (European Solidarity Corps).
The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is aimed at promoting solidarity in European society, engaging young people and organizations in accessible and quality solidarity activities. It provides opportunities to show solidarity and support throughout Europe through volunteer activities, trainings or jobs, as well as solidarity projects based on the youth’s initiative.
As a licensed organization of this program we have got the opportunity to send our volunteers to various countries in Europe for many years, as well as receive volunteers from many European countries. During the existence of the international sector, we received and sent over 50 young volunteers from many European countries (BIH, Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, Italy, France, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal).
This program is funded by the European Union.
The Weltwärts Program – a developmental voluntary service from Germany’s Ministry of Co-operation (BMZ) has launched a new volunteer service program since 2008, which enables young people aged 18 to 28 from Germany to work in a volunteer service in one of the developing countries. The aim of the program is to provide volunteer service for about 10,000 young people annually, and in this case, they are greatly assisted by German NGOs.
Since 2014, an opportunity has opened for young people from BiH to participate in the program and spend a year in Germany volunteering in different organizations.
For many years now, our most trusted partner and friend is the German organization “FriedensKreis Halle” with whom we have implemented many projects. Together, we are part of a German volunteer program called “WeltWearts” since 2009. Through this program, we successfully hosted 10 young German volunteers and for the last 4 years volunteers from BiH have successfully gone on a one-year volunteer service in Germany.
Internship is an internship or practice within an organization. Generally, internships consist of sharing services and experiences between students (students) and organizations. Students can also be helpful in determining whether they have an interest in specific jobs, creating a network of contacts, or gaining schoolwork. Some trainees can find a permanent, paid job in the organizations they worked for.
COD provides the opportunity for young people studying in BiH but also for students throughout Europe to intern at our organization through work with children and youth, where we provide them with full support.
All young people from BiH can apply for any international project of COD Jajce, for all other information please contact us at mail: codjajce.international@gmail.com