The International Youth Meeting “Community Spirit” is a project that the Center for Education and Gathering Jajce – COD is implementing with its partners “Initiative Angola” from Austria, Klagenfurt, where the meetings will take place.
The Community Spirit project encourages respect and openness to the cultural and religious diversity we encounter in our daily lives.
The main goals of the project are intercultural and interfaith dialogue, respect, tolerance and coexistence.
The project brings together young people from different cultural and religious backgrounds, and participants will have the opportunity to meet others and different and thus develop a positive attitude towards diversity and pass them on in their environment.
The project will involve 45 young people from Austria, Serbia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Through the meeting, young people will, in addition to thematic workshops, enjoy excursions as well as sports activities prepared for them by the organizers.
This year, the meetings will be held in the period from July 26, 2020 to August 3, 2020.
Young people aged 15 to 18 can apply.
Accommodation, food and transport costs are covered.
You can apply by filling out the application form which you will send to the e-mail:
The project is part of the Erasmus + program.