After a three-month online German language course for children, last Friday 12.03.’21. deserved certificates were awarded for the acquired knowledge of the initial A1L1 level.

Attendees can now understand and apply familiar, everyday expressions and simple sentences, which aim to meet specific needs. They can introduce themselves and ask other people simple questions and answer questions of this kind.

They are able to communicate in a simple way, and the course curriculum includes the following:
– numbers, date, days of the week, time of day, colors, months, seasons, personal pronouns; vocabulary (food, relatives, school supplies, body parts, animals, etc.)

After three months of intensive contact, the awarding of the certificate was the reason for the first meeting between the moderator of the German course for children Esma Popaja and participants Dominik Ladan, Sajra Glamočić and David Ladan, whom we congratulate on this effort and acquired knowledge.