During the past week, in the organization of COD’s “Business Center Jajce”, an informative meeting was held with female entrepreneurs of the municipality of Jajce, the aim of which was to get acquainted with the idea of the need and establishment of an association of women entrepreneurs of the Municipality of Jajce.
The establishment of such an Association at the local level is intended for female entrepreneurs of the municipality of Jajce with the aim of networking, representing and promoting the interests of female entrepreneurs at the local and cantonal level, determining priorities and legal form, and connecting with the authorities at the local and cantonal level who are responsible for the development of entrepreneurship.

To our satisfaction, a large number of entrepreneurs from Jajce Municipality responded to the invitation, who unanimously expressed their desire to establish an Association of this type and with this act be part of the change and positive story.
At the meeting, other important facts for the establishment of the association of women entrepreneurs were determined, such as the election of the president and vice president of the association, the secretary of the association, as well as the election of the members of the founding agreement. They also discussed activities that would be useful to our female entrepreneurs and that could be implemented within the framework of the BIHUB II program in the upcoming period.
On this occasion, we would like to thank everyone for their contribution and participation in the meeting, and we certainly invite all other entrepreneurs of Jajce Municipality who could not attend the meeting to contact us and join us in future activities related to the establishment of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Jajce Municipality.

The informative meeting for the establishment of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of the Municipality of Jajce is part of the BiHUB II project – an environment for supporting women’s green and sustainable entrepreneurship, which is carried out by the partners Cultural Education Society PiNA and Katapult from Slovenia, the Center for Education and Socialization Jajce, the Center for Youth Education Travnik and Linnovate Business Park with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia from the International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Program of Slovenia.