From 23 to 30 April 2022, the Jajce Center for Education and Socializing – COD was part of the increasingly popular International Meetings in Klagenfurt, this year called “YE” Religion4Peace “organized for many years by the Austrian” Angola Initiative “. The project involved 50 young people from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Slovenia.

In the days they spent together getting to know and recognizing interculturality, socializing, exchanging knowledge and experiences, the most valuable thing they brought with them was a wonderful experience that, as they said, they will never forget and which we would recommend to all young people to feel and enrich. friendships and experiences.
During the program, young people were part of creative and educational workshops, but they also had the opportunity to enjoy excursions and sports activities prepared for them by the organizers.

The Bosnian team of COD Jajce was represented by ten participants from Jajce, Sarajevo, Donji Vakuf, Visoko and Brčko, and the leaders of the group Sadin Glamočić and Leonie Heiligh are very satisfied because the group was unique, harmonious and had excellent communication with all participants and was extremely active. during the meeting.
– Looking at the pictures of the camp, I still have a smile on my face. It was a wonderful time. I would love to still be in the mountains of Austria with all my new friends I have met. I learned a lot about different religions, we visited churches, a mosque, we talked to representatives of the Jewish community, Sikhism, a nun and many other interesting people. All in all, we spent a wonderful eight days in Klagenfurt, having fun, playing, exploring, dancing, going for walks, and having good conversations – said Leonie.

-I was a participant in the International Meetings in 2019, and this time in the role of coordinator, which was a new great experience for me. The group is fantastic, as is the atmosphere of all the past days. I would recommend to all young people to apply next year and enrich their experience because it is really worth it. I am richer, more experienced and I have made new friends for life – said Sadin.